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Teams on the Challenge
  • From Flab To Fab Team
  • Eve24: 07/28/07: 124.0 lbs 08/04/07: 121.8 lbs Riles: 07/28/07: 192.5 lbs 08/04/07: 190.0 lbs Moonlight: 07/28/07: 259.5 lbs 08/04/07: 258.5 lbs Marceyr: 07/28/07: 148.8 lbs 08/04/07: 148.0 lbs
  • Healthy Hotties Team
  • Bethsan: 07/28/07: 150.0 lbs 08/04/07: 146.0 lbs Msmuggle: 07/28/07: 160.0 lbs 08/04/07: 159.0 lbs Dream87: 07/28/07: 163.0 lbs 08/04/07: 160.5 lbs Yurasi: 07/28/07: 195.0 lbs 08/04/07: 194.0 lbs
  • Funky Flab Blasters Team
  • Gonnabfit: 07/28/07: 205.0 lbs 08/04/07: 203.5 lbs Erosfan: 07/28/07: 205.0 lbs 08/04/07: 202.0 lbs Bohofunk: 07/28/07: 189.0 lbs 08/04/07: 186.0 lbs Ladykool: 07/28/07: 209.8 lbs 08/04/07: *pending
  • Fab & Fit Team
  • Brimgray: 07/28/07: *pending 08/04/07: *pending Macsweeti: 07/28/07: 165.0 lbs 08/04/07: 164.0 lbs *star*: 07/28/07: 57Kg 08/04/07: *pending lizrego: 07/28/07: 193.0 lbs 08/04/07: 191.5 lbs
    Eat well, exercise, lose pounds
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    Conquer Your Cravings (from Reader's Digest)
    Wednesday, August 8, 2007
    It's 8:00 p.m., and you're sitting comfortably in front of the television when suddenly the urge hits: You must have a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. You can't stop thinking about it. Your craving is so intense that if you don't find ice cream hidden in the back of your freezer, you may even run out to the store to pick up a half-gallon.

    We've all experienced those strong urges for a particular food -- whether it be ice cream, greasy French fries, or Oreo cookies. So how do you prevent your craving from turning into an out-of-control binge? Nutrition experts offer these simple tips to tame your urges.

    • Let it pass. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes, so try to let the urge subside before you even walk into the kitchen or toward the vending machine.

    • Practice portion control. While it's okay to slip up occasionally, you need to keep an eye on how much you're eating. Try to prevent yourself from overindulging by placing only a certain amount of food in front of you. For instance, try putting potato chips in a small bowl rather than eating them right out of the bag.

    • Reach for healthy substitutes. Try to eat a similar food that has a better nutritional value than the one you crave. A glass of chocolate skim milk instead of a candy bar is a healthier choice. Or, instead of regular ice cream, try low-fat frozen yogurt.

    • Don't be too restrictive. Any food is okay in moderation and depriving yourself may lead you to overeat something else.

    • Write it down. Keep track of your cravings in your journal to determine if your emotional state is the underlying trigger. Once you figure out what's causing your urges, try looking for other ways to address those emotional needs. If you're having a stressful day, take a break and go for a walk or call a friend. If you're feeling down, try renting funny movie.


    "The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken." ~ Samuel Johnson

    More cravings help info

    posted by Enthusiastic Exclamationaholics Unite @ 8:58 AM  
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